Sep 26, 2024  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions




Political Science

  • PS 355 Civic Literacy and Engagement

    An examination of the American political system with a focus on interpreting and analyzing political debate and policy formation and on increasing civic literacy and engagement. Course will present several analytical methods and students will design and implement a civic engagement project.
    Credits: 4
    Satisfactory Grading:
    Ineligible for the Satisfactory/No Credit grade mode if you are a Political Science major.
    If you elect S/NC grading the course cannot be used to meet Political Science requirements even if a grade of S is earned.
    If you are in a major other than Political Science you are eligible to choose the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option.
    Integrating Knowledge Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Global Awareness

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  • PS 414 Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Elections

    An analysis of the nature, organization and operation of political parties, pressure groups and elections with special attention to their functions in the American political process. A consideration of current problems and reforms in the area.
    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: PS 201  or consent of instructor
    Satisfactory Grading:
    Ineligible for the Satisfactory/No Credit grade mode if you are a Political Science major.
    If you elect S/NC grading the course cannot be used to meet Political Science requirements even if a grade of S is earned.
    If you are in a major other than Political Science you are eligible to choose the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option.
    Integrating Knowledge Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Global Awareness

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  • PS 416 Politics and Communication

    An examination of the relationship between politics and communication and how it affects American society. Emphasis is on the politics of communication, the ways in which institutions of mass media, particularly television, help create, advance and reinforce public opinion and political agendas.
    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: PS 201  or consent of instructor
    Satisfactory Grading:
    Ineligible for the Satisfactory/No Credit grade mode if you are a Political Science major.
    If you elect S/NC grading the course cannot be used to meet Political Science requirements even if a grade of S is earned.
    If you are in a major other than Political Science you are eligible to choose the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option.

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  • PS 425 Native American Politics and Policy

    Explores the history and current dynamics of Native American politics and public policy. The political and policy elements that all tribes share are considered, as well as the variation among them. The situations and challenges of Oregon tribes receive specific attention.
    Credits: 4
    Satisfactory Grading:
    Ineligible for the Satisfactory/No Credit grade mode if you are a Political Science major.
    If you elect S/NC grading the course cannot be used to meet Political Science requirements even if a grade of S is earned.
    If you are in a major other than Political Science you are eligible to choose the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option.
    Integrating Knowledge Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Global Awareness

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  • PS 433 Health Care Politics and Policy

    Fundamentals of health care access in the United States. Topics include: Medicare and Medicaid systems; evolving nature of private health care insurance systems; concerns and influence of interest groups and political parties in this field; and the prospects for reform.
    Credits: 4
    Satisfactory Grading:
    Ineligible for the Satisfactory/No Credit grade mode if you are a Political Science major.
    If you elect S/NC grading the course cannot be used to meet Political Science requirements even if a grade of S is earned.
    If you are in a major other than Political Science you are eligible to choose the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option.
    Integrating Knowledge Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Global Awareness

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  • PS 441 Causes of Peace

    A theoretical and empirical overview of the causes of peace, as opposed to the causes of war, in the world. Students will study ways of achieving peace at the individual, community, national and international levels. The lives and writings of prominent pacifists will be examined.
    Credits: 4
    Satisfactory Grading:
    Ineligible for the Satisfactory/No Credit grade mode if you are a Political Science major.
    If you elect S/NC grading the course cannot be used to meet Political Science requirements even if a grade of S is earned.
    If you are in a major other than Political Science you are eligible to choose the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option.
    Integrating Knowledge Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Global Awareness

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  • PS 442 Peacebuilding and Public Policy

    Examines major public policies that make a contribution to peace in the world and explores ways in which people can lead more peaceful lives and create more peaceful societies. Policies that promote peace education, sustainability, restorative justice, responsible consumption, and health are studied.
    Credits: 4
    Satisfactory Grading:
    Ineligible for the Satisfactory/No Credit grade mode if you are a Political Science major.
    If you elect S/NC grading the course cannot be used to meet Political Science requirements even if a grade of S is earned.
    If you are in a major other than Political Science you are eligible to choose the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option.
    Integrating Knowledge Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Global Awareness

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  • PS 443 Great Peacemakers

    Examines major figures who have made a contribution to peace in the world and explores the ways in which people can create more peaceful societies. Students will analyze the lives and writings of peacemakers such as Martin Luther King, Mohandas Gandhi, Desmond Tutu, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Dorothy Day.
    Credits: 4
    Satisfactory Grading:
    Ineligible for the Satisfactory/No Credit grade mode if you are a Political Science major.
    If you elect S/NC grading the course cannot be used to meet Political Science requirements even if a grade of S is earned.
    If you are in a major other than Political Science you are eligible to choose the Satisfactory/No Credit grading option.
    Integrating Knowledge Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Global Awareness

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